Economics for beginners Course

1. The Definition of Economics
What is economics? This article explains the definition of economics and the fundamental assumptions held in order to produce economic ...

2. Production Possibility Frontiers (PPF).
What are production possibility frontiers? This article explains what PPFs are and what causes movements along them and why they ...

3. Division and Specialisation of Labour.
Division and specialisation of labour. How does it affect the efficiency of production? This article will explain the advantages and ...

4. Types of Economies
Types of economies. How many different types of economies are the and how are resources allocated? This article will define ...

5. Demand Theory
Demand theory. This article explains what the demand theory is and will go on to expound upon the demand law ...

Supply theory. This article will explain what the supply theory is and how the supply of a good is related ...

Price elasticity of demand. This article will explain what PED is and will go through the different types of PED ...

7.2 Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of Demand.
Total revenue and price elasticity of demand. This article will explain what determines the price elasticity of demand. Furthermore, the ...

8. Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)
Price elasticity of supply. This article will explain what price elasticity of supply is and will explain the different types ...